This list only refers to publications in English. For a full list of both English and Dutch publications, please click the Dutch version of this website.
(forthcoming) The failures of law: the case of the corrupt official, in: Nalsar: Student Law Review, Vol. XVI. [DOCX]
(2024) ‘The Illusion of Gold Digging: The Interpretation of State Practice’ in Marina Fortuna and others (eds), Customary International Law and Its Interpretation by International Courts: Theories, Methods and Interactions, vol 3 (Cambridge University Press) [DOCX]
(2024) ‘Evolution by Replication of Deontic Units’ in Wojciech Załuski, Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde and Adam Dyrda (eds), Research Handbook on Legal Evolution (Edward Elgar Publishing). [DOCX]
(2023) ‘Weaving the Threads of a European Legal Order’ 2023-8 European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration 1301. [DOCX]
(2022) Conceptual (Re)constructions of International Law, eds. K.Gorobets, A. Hadjigeorgiou and P.Westerman, Elgar Publishing 2022.
(2022) “Opinio juris: Test, filter, ideal or map?” In: Conceptual (Re)constructions of International Law, eds. K.Gorobets, A. Hadjigeorgiou and P.Westerman, Elgar Publishing, pp. 127-144. [DOCX]
(2022) “Legal Scholarship as design: A comment on Kammerhofer”, Conceptual (Re)constructions of International Law, eds. K.Gorobets, A. Hadjigeorgiou and P.Westerman, Elgar Publishing, pp. 27-31.
(2019) From Houses to Ships: Governance as a Form of Law, in: Le Libellio, Volume 14, numéro 4, hiver 2018. [PDF]
(2018) Вестерман П, 'Чинність: репутація правил,' (2016) 1-2 Філософія права і загальна теорія права 121–139 (Ukrainian translation of 'Validity: reputation of rules,' (2016) 1-2 Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law 121–139)
(2018) The Rule of Law as an Export Product, in: The Theory and Practice of Legislation Vol. 5/2, 2017, pp.171-185
(2018) A Short Note on the Validity of Rules Guiding Informal Markets, co-authored with Yugank Goyal, in: Legal Validity and Soft Law Pauline Westerman, Jaap Hage, Stephan Kirste and Anne Ruth Mackor (eds.), Springer Verlag 2018.
(2018) Validity: the Reputation of Rules, in: Legal Validity and Soft Law Pauline Westerman, Jaap Hage, Stephan Kirste and Anne Ruth Mackor (eds.), Springer Verlag 2018.
(2018) Legal Validity and Soft Law, Pauline Westerman, Jaap Hage, Stephan Kirste and Anne Ruth Mackor (eds.), Springer Verlag 2018.
(2018) Outsourcing the Law: A Philosophical Perspective on Regulation, Edgar Elgar Publishers 2018.
(2016) Goal Regulation, Democracy and Organised Distrust, in: S. Comtois and K. De Graaf (eds.) On Lawmaking and Public Trust, Eleven: International publishing, The Hague, 2016, 43-54 [DOCX]
(2013) Regulation and the Rule of Law, Law of Ukraine, Kiev, 4/2013, pp. 39-47
(2013) Law and Regulation, in: Human Rights and the Problem of Legal Injustice: Annals of the Preparatory Meeting for the XXVI World Congress of the International Association of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, ed. by Joao Adeodato, Editura Noeses. Sao Paolo [DOC]
(2013) ВЕРХОВЕНСТВО ПРАВА ЯК ЮРИДИЧНЕ ОБЛИЧЧЯ ДЕРЖАВИ1 (Regulation and the rule of law) , in: ФІЛОСОФІЯ ПРАВА І ЗАГАЛЬНА ТЕОРІЯ ПРАВА (Journal for the Philosophy of Law and General Jurisprudence) 2/2013. Ukraine, pp. 176-184
(2013) Pyramids and the Value of Generality, Regulation & Governance, special issue on Twenty Years of Responsive Regulation: An Appreciation and Appraisal (edited by C. Parker), 7(1) [PDF]
(2010) Together with M. Hertogh (eds.): Selfregulation, thematic issue of Legisprudence: International Journal for the Study of Legislation, Vol. 4, no 3 2010, pp. 219-404.
(2010) Who is regulating the self? Selfregulation as outsourced rulemaking, in: Selfregulation, thematic issue of Legisprudence: International Journal for the Study of Legislation, Vol. 4, no 3 2010, pp. 225-241 [SSRN]
(2010) Arguing about goals: The Diminishing Scope of Legal Reasoning, Argumentation, 24:211-226 [SSRN]
(2008) The Changing Bell Jar, in: European Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 2, No 1, pp. 183-202 [EJLS]
(2008) From Democracy Towards Accountability: in: E. Kofmel (ed.) Major Trends in Anti-Democratic Thought, Imprint Academics, pp. 165-185 [PDF]
(2007) `Governing by Goals: Governance as a Legal Style', in: Legisprudence: International Journal for the Study of Legislation, Hart Publishing, pp. 51-72
(2007) The Emergence of New Types of Norms, in: Luc J. Wintgens (ed.) Legislation in Context: Essays in Legisprudence, Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 117-133 [SSRN]
(2004) `Some objections to an aspirational system of law' in: N.E.H.M. Zeegers et al. (eds) Social and Symbolic Effects of Legislation on the Rule of Law, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, pp. 299-315 [PDF]
(2013) Breaking the Circle: Goal-legislation and the Need for Empirical Research, in: The Theory and Practice of Legislation, Hart Publ. Vol 1, no 3, 2013., pp. 395-414 [DOCX]
(2013) The Impossibility of an Outsider’s Perspective, in: The Objectivity of Legal Methodology, eds. Husa and Hoecke, Hart Publishers [PDF]
(2011) `Open or autonomous: The debate on legal methodology as a reflection of the debate on law’, in: Methodologies of Legal Research: Which Kind of Method for What Kind of Discipline? M. van Hoecke (ed.), Hart Publ. Oxford, pp. 87-110 [SSRN]
(2018) Вестерман П, 'Чинність: репутація правил,' (2016) 1-2 Філософія права і загальна теорія права 121–139 (Ukrainian translation of 'Validity: reputation of rules,' (2016) 1-2 Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law 121–139)
(2018) A Short Note on the Validity of Rules Guiding Informal Markets, co-authored with Yugank Goyal, in: Legal Validity and Soft Law Pauline Westerman, Jaap Hage, Stephan Kirste and Anne Ruth Mackor (eds.), Springer Verlag 2018.
(2018) Validity: the Reputation of Rules, in: Legal Validity and Soft Law Pauline Westerman, Jaap Hage, Stephan Kirste and Anne Ruth Mackor (eds.), Springer Verlag 2018.
(2018) Legal Validity and Soft Law, Pauline Westerman, Jaap Hage, Stephan Kirste and Anne Ruth Mackor (eds.), Springer Verlag 2018.
(2015) The Uneasy Marriage between Law and Equality in: Laws 2015, 4, 82-90; doi:10.3390/laws4010082 [PDF]
(2014) Reciprocity: A Fragile Equilibrium, in: Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy, Special Issue: Reciprocity and the Normativity of Legal Orders, eds. Hans Lindahl and Bart van Klink, 2014/2, pp. 172-184, ISSN 2213-0713 [DOCX]
(2010) Instrumentalisation of the public sphere: a philosophical perspective in: Social Security as a Public Interest: a multidisciplinary inquiry into the foundations of the regulatory welfare state, eds. G.Vonk and A. Tollenaar, Intersentia, pp. 173-193. [SSRN] (as `safeguarding the public sphere’)
(2001) `Formal Justice as a Common Language', in: Arend Soeteman (ed.), Pluralism and Law, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 1-17 [PDF]
(2000) Non-discrimination and diversity, P.C. Westerman (ed.), Boom, Meppel, 126 pp
(2000) `The principle of equality as a heuristic device', in: Non-discrimination and diversity, P.C. Westerman (ed.), Boom, Meppel, pp. 115-124 [PDF]
(1999) `Means and Ends', in: Rediscovering Fuller: Essays on Implicit Law and Institutional Design, W. Witteveen and W. van der Burg (eds.), Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 145-168 [PDF]
(forthcoming) Natural Law as Blank Cheque. [DOCX]
(2014) Natural rights versus human dignity: two conflicting traditions, in: The Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity, eds. Marcus Düwell et al., Cambridge UP, 2014, pp.108-116 ISBN 0521195780, 9780521195782 [PDF]
(2007) ‘Suárez and the formality of Law', in: Matthias Kaufmann und Robert Schnepf (Hrsg.), Politische Metaphysik: Die Entstehung moderner Rechtskonzeptionen in der Spanischen Spätscholastik, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 227-237 [PDF]
(2005) `Natural Law' in: Encyclopedia of Jurisprudence, Legal Theory and Philosophy of Law [DOCX]
(1998) The Disintegration of Natural Law Theory: Aquinas to Finnis, Brill, Leiden, 325 pp [PDF]
(1994) `Hume and the Natural Lawyers: a Change of Landscape', in: Hume and Hume's Connexions, M.A. Stewart and J. Wright (eds.), Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 83-104
(1989) `The European Example; a Contingent Path towards Democracy', Quest, vol.III, nr. 1, pp. 60-74
(1988) `Hume's Reception of Grotius: A History of Historization', Grotiana, Vol.9, pp. 64-78 [PDF]
(2020) Bowing to Authority: the COVID-19 Experience, University of Bologna Law Review (Obiter dictum), Vol V, Issue 2, pp. 234 – 239. [PDF]
(2010) With P. van Lochem, Rules on Rulemaking, special issue of Legisprudence: International Journal for the Study of Legislation, Vol. 4, no 2 2010, pp. 107-218.
(2009) Together with N. Zeegers (eds.): 'Experts and Legislation', thematic issue of Legisprudence: International Journal for the Study of Legislation, Vol. 3, no 3 2009, pp. 247-366.
(2005) `The Moralist, A conversation with John Harris about bioethics', Rechtsfilosofie & Rechtstheorie, 2005/1, pp. 46-56 [PDF]